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Design Principle

Assignment 2

TASK: As a continuation of Project 1, we are introduced to design elements; the form used in this project should be the extraction of the shape from one of the patterns created by each individual group member in Project 1. In groups of four, students must create a series of eight (8) smaller models measuring 10cm x 10cm x 10cm each to demonstrate their understanding of design principles. After finishing the series, students will combine different design principles to create a 20cm x 20cm x 20cm HYBRID FINAL MODEL to explore various volumetric of form and space.

week 1

Sketch the first principle (emphasis), by using techniques, such as subtract, mirror and grids to visualise my ideas.


week 2

First mock-up model, still have the space to improve by exploring the materials. 


week 3

A quick mock up model, using the previous diamond form in the middle to represent the emphasis and will add in variety on top of it in the final model.


Final outcome

Ink all of them and double check with all the dimension before the submission. Then, got the final outcome. 


Anchor 1

intERpersonal skills

Team dynamic is crucial in this assignment as this is a group work, we all need to have a smooth conversation between one and another to face all the challenges and also to avoid misunderstanding happened. My team member are all hardworking and helpful in the way of completing all the task.


This task make us to acquire both skills as in this process we will probably get engage in some problems and for sure all sort of problems need to find its way to be resolved so that we can move on to next step until the end of this task. Hence, we have to sharpen and grasp all the opportunity to have a brilliant performance. 


Lastly, thanks to technology, we are able to photoshop our work into one model. After we all done with our final model, we manage to use photoshop to combine our model. Fortunely, with the help of online platform, we get to accomplish our task fluently and effectively, and hand in the task on time.

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